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Academic Publications

My academic research focuses on the topics of norms and cognition. Conceptually, it lies at
the intersection of strategic management and organisation theory.


Journal Publications


Li, X. & Vermeulen, F. 2021. High risk, low return (and vice versa): The effect of new product introductions on firm performance in a transition economy. Academy of Management Journal.


Ody-Brasier, A. & Vermeulen, F. 2020. Who gets punished most for challenging the status quo? Academy of Management Journal.


Vermeulen, F. 2018. A basic theory of inheritance: How bad practice prevails. Strategic Management Journal.

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Hsieh, K. & Vermeulen, F. 2014. Following suit? How competition between one’s rivals influences imitative market entry. Organization Science. 


Ody-Brasier, A. & Vermeulen, F. 2014. The price you pay: Price-setting as a response to norm violations in the market for Champagne grapes. Administrative Science Quarterly. 


Stan, M., & Vermeulen, F. 2013. Selection at the gate: Difficult cases, spill-overs, and organizational learning. Organization Science. 

(Winner of the 2014 INFORMS/ISA Best Paper Prize)


Vermeulen, F. 2007. “I shall not remain insignificant”: Adding a second loop to matter more. Academy of Management Journal. 


Vermeulen, F. 2005. On rigor and relevance: Fostering dialectic progress in management research. Academy of Management Journal.


Gibson, C. & Vermeulen, F. 2003. A healthy divide: Subgroups as a stimulus for team learning behavior. Administrative Science Quarterly. 


Vermeulen, F. & Barkema, H.G. 2002. Pace, rhythm, and scope: Process dependence in building a profitable multinational corporation. Strategic Management Journal. 


Vermeulen, F. & Barkema, H.G. 2001. Learning through acquisitions. Academy of Management Journal. 


Vermeulen, F. 2000. Book review: Clegg, S.R., Ibarra-Colado, E., & Bueno-Rodriquez, L. Global management. Universal theories and local realities. Organization Studies.


Barkema, H.G. & Vermeulen, F. 1998. International expansion through start-up or acquisition: A learning perspective. Academy of Management Journal.

(Winner of the Academy of Management Journal Best Paper Award)


Barkema, H.G., Shenkar, O., Vermeulen, F., & Bell, J.H.J. 1997. Working abroad, working with others: How firms learn to operate international joint ventures. Academy of Management Journal. 


Barkema, H.G. & Vermeulen, F. 1997. What cultural differences are detrimental for international joint ventures? Journal of International Business Studies. 

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